Villanova's Endowment

ways to give
alumniAnnual Fund

How to create an endowed Scholarship?

How can I give to the Endowment Fund?

Gifts may be added to this fund through:

A donation can be made at any time to the school’s endowment fund. Select “Endowment” on the drop-down menu located on the donation page.

A designation in one's will or living trust.

Life insurance proceeds either through beneficiary designation or through a gift of the policy itself.

Transfers of property such as cash, stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Memorial gifts made in the name of a family member or friend.

Beneficiary designation in an IRA or another retirement planA Donor Advised Fund.

How is the Villanova Endowment managed?

The Board of Directors is responsible for all endowment investment and distribution policies and ensures that these policies comply with the laws of the State of California. The Endowment Fund Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible for making all investment decisions in accordance with these policies. You may also want to set up your own named scholarship.

If you want more information, call the Development Office at (805) 646-1464 ext 127.

"You may deduct charitable contributions of money or property made to qualified organizations if you itemize your deductions." (IRS Publication 78) Villanova Prep is a qualified organization with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. ID#95-1641972

Contributions to the school are entirely tax deductible for the tax year in which the contribution is made.