Mission and Values

headmaster's messageadmission

In the Augustinian tradition, the Mission of Villanova Preparatory School is to graduate mature young adults of diverse backgrounds who reflect the qualities of truth, unity, and love. The school does this by providing a challenging college preparatory curriculum and Catholic environment that promote the development of mind, heart and body. These young adults will think, judge, and act in ways that are sound and in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Building on nearly a century of experience, Villanova will be a leader among Catholic secondary schools by providing high-quality education for young men and women in the Augustinian tradition. We will offer a breadth of opportunities to foster intellectual achievement, personal and physical development, artistic and creative talents, and service-leadership of our students.

Our programs and community will exemplify the Gospel and Augustinian values of Truth (Veritas), Unity (Unitas), and Love (Caritas).

Specifically, we will be characterized by:

1. Education that is distinctively Catholic in its philosophy, instruction, culture, and practices.  

2. Academic Excellence with students at the center.

3. An Outstanding Faculty and Staff, grounded in Augustinian values and with a love for learning, fully dedicated to the mission of the school.

4. A Diverse School Community, that welcomes students from a wide range of backgrounds.  The unique presence of international resident students offers opportunities for global citizenship, mutual understanding, and lifelong friendships.

5. A Small, Supportive, and Safe School Community, situated in a beautiful natural environment.  Villanova is committed to enhancing learning through vibrant campus life.

6. A Distinguished Program for Young Women in the study of mathematics and the sciences.

Philosophy and Purpose

Villanova is a non-profit Roman Catholic high school operated under the auspices of the Western Province of the Order of St. Augustine.  Located in the Ojai Valley, it is a coeducational, college preparatory school, offering both boarding and day programs for grades 9-12, and a program of support for English language learners.

Villanova Preparatory School strives to display the characteristics that mark it as an Augustinian school as stated in the Educational Mission Statement of the Schools of the Province of St. Augustine. These characteristics include an emphasis on the primacy of love, a dedication to seeking the truth, a fostering of tradition, a desire to serve a diverse population, and a commitment to build community among our faculty, students, staff, parents, and alumni.

The School serves students who indicate their desire to succeed in a strong academic curriculum.  Following the liberal arts tradition, the curriculum aims at preparing each student for admission to a university.  The curriculum acknowledges the traditions of Western Civilization and places particular emphasis on Judeo-Christian values and teaching. The program of studies seeks to provide the student with the necessary skills for a successful life in a world of rapid technological and social changes. The School emphasizes effective oral and written communication, study skills, critical and interpretive thinking, and the ability to make rational, informed judgments.

To help students become mature citizens of the City of God, Villanova provides religious instruction that is true to Catholic doctrine and which echoes the teachings of St. Augustine. In addition, the School strives to give non-Catholic students an understanding of Catholicism and helps them nurture their own spiritual development.

As a community in which students, teachers, and parents share in the life of the Holy Spirit, the School tries to foster a spirituality for each individual that promotes a concern for issues of charity, Christian service, and justice in daily life.                            

Villanova recognizes that parents are the primary educators of their children. Therefore, the School encourages their full cooperation in their children’s education.The School attempts to educate the whole person. As a result, it provides students with extracurricular programs and athletic activities that challenge, inspire, and develop sound bodies and minds.  

All activities at Villanova seek to promote social responsibility and teach students how to work harmoniously with others in achieving common goals. By creating a positive and caring environment for both resident and day students, Villanova promotes learning, love, unity, and respect for others as primary considerations.  The School’s ultimate desire is to graduate students who think, judge, and act in ways that are sound and in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ.  In the Augustinian tradition, we also desire to graduate young adults who express to the world the qualities of love, truth, and community.

Intergral Student Outcomes

A student that lives out the core value of Unity, who(se):

Understands, values, and appreciates diversity in the community.
Negotiates problems and conflicts with peaceful resolutions.
Is prayerful and reflective.
Teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration are used to achieve goals.
Yearns to assume leadership and responsibility within one's community.

A student that lives out the core value of Truth, who(se):

Thinks critically, soundly, and logically.
Resilience is evident in the face of challenge and risk.
Understands, synthesizes, and solves problems with ingenuity and creativity.
Time management skills are effectively developed.
Has an intellectual curiosity and love of learning.

A student that lives out the core value of Love, who(se):

Lives and appreciates the Gospel and Augustinian values and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Openness and respectfulness of other cultural and faith traditions is evident.
Values social justice and service to the community.
Engages in developing and maintaining a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

core values

We are a part of the Catholic religious order which traces its origins to St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430). With this in mind, Villanova Preparatory School promotes St. Augustine's ideal of a community where its members are “of one mind and heart on the way towards God.” An Augustinian approach to education seeks to create a community context in which learning can flourish. As an Augustinian school, Villanova Preparatory School is part of an international network of schools and universities in 38 countries worldwide. But what we do find and what grounds Augustinian education, are the unifying values that come from a reflection of his life and teachings. These values are the overarching and integrative values of Augustinian education, and Villanova Preparatory School. Briefly, they are:

Icon of church


With an understanding of the profound unity of all creatures, based on creation by God and re-creation in Christ, our community strives to express this reality in service of the common good, respect for differences, and welcome to a diversity of cultures and talents.

Icon of dove with olive branch


We are rooted in the truth known by reason and faith about ourselves and the world with knowledge that God is the source of all truth. With faith and reason, like two great wings, we fly to Truth.

Icon of chalice


The great commandment of Christ is love of God and neighbor. He tells us, “God is love.” The school community attempts to express Christ’s commandment through “active friendship” which moves the heart and mind to action, often with sacrifice, for the good of others and of the community.