Grandparents Day
October 9, 2024
9:00 AM
12096 N Ventura Ave, Ojai, CA 93023

Grandparents Day at Villanova Preparatory School is an annual celebration that holds immense significance for our students, families, and the entire school community. This cherished event provides a special opportunity for grandparents to connect with their grandchildren in the setting where they spend a significant portion of their time - the school campus.

The day begins with a warm welcome to all grandparents as they arrive at the school, greeted with smiles and excitement from students and staff alike. It's a heartwarming sight to see the generations coming together, bridging the gap between young and old in a shared moment of love and appreciation.

One of the central highlights of Grandparents Day is the special Catholic Mass that the students and their grandparents attend together. This Mass is a beautiful celebration of the grandparent-grandchild relationship, filled with prayers, hymns, and blessings that honor the bond between generations and the values shared within our Catholic community.

After the beautiful Catholic Mass on Grandparents Day, everyone gathers for lunch, creating moments and strengthening the bonds between grandparents and their grandchildren at Villanova Prep.

Throughout the day, grandparents also have the chance to engage in various activities and experiences planned specifically for them.

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