


Types of Retreats

Freshmen Retreat:6月,一小群学生前往圣地亚哥做志愿者,了解圣地亚哥的不同社会服务机构。

Sophomore Retreat: 校园部小型务虚会:

Junior Kairos Retreat: 初中静修会:

Senior Retreat: The senior retreat is a multiple-day experience that takes place at an off-campus retreat center. We dive deeper into the relationships students have cultivated over their four years at Villanova. All three Augustinian core values are brought together and highlighted during this retreat.

Senior Hike: The senior hike takes place in Rose Valley and it is a one-day event. This is an opportunity for the students to celebrate Mass on a hike and reflect on their time at Villanova.

Student Augustinian Values Institute (SAVI): Villanova Prep is one of ten Augustinian high schools in North America. Once a year, six sophomores from each of the ten schools gather to gather a deeper understanding of St. Augustine and the core values of Truth, Unity, and Love. Villanova Prep students are given the opportunity to collaborate with students from other Augustinian schools to come back to campus and suggest changes.

6th and 7th Grade Retreat: The 6th and 7th grade retreat is a one day on-campus retreat. This time is focused on Friendship. Friendship with others and friendship with God. We dive deeper into what it means to have a friendship with God and live it out on the retreat.

8th Grade Retreat: The 8th grade students are taken to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels for the day. They receive a tour of the cathedral and participate in the Christian Service 4 Life event where they are joined with other middle school students in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to hear talks given by Archbishop Gomez and other nationally known Catholic speakers.