La liturgia está en el corazón y el alma de Villanova, un tiempo para que la comunidad escolar se reúna en la Misa para orar, participar en la Santa Misa y compartir el compañerismo. Se anima a los estudiantes a participar en las liturgias sirviendo como lector, mesero del altar, cantando en el ministerio musical, tocando un instrumento musical o incluso ejecutando la placa de sonido.
All-school Masses are generally celebrated twice a month. Several Augustinian priests and local pastors come to preside at Mass for the Villanova community throughout the school year. Parents and families are always welcome to join us for our All-school Masses.
Villanova celebrates a variety of Masses throughout the year including the Feast of St. Augustine, All Saints Day, the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas, and Ash Wednesday.
Domingo: 5 p. m.
Monday - Friday: 7:00 am
Monday - Friday: Lunchtime (depends on the schedule for the day)
All-school mass days occur twice a month on various days.
Please note that times are subject to change.
Please call or email the school's Campus Minister for updated times. Campus Ministry (805)646-1464 x. 114 or