Código de vestimenta de Villanova

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Código de vestimenta y uniformes

Villanova espera que los alumnos proyecten la imagen positiva de la escuela. El código de vestimenta está diseñado para demostrar nuestro valor central de unidad y reflejar el respeto propio, el orgullo, el buen juicio y la conciencia de la vestimenta que es apropiada para el lugar y la acción. Todo el atuendo de los estudiantes debe ser pulcro, limpio, modesto, no rasgado, de buen gusto y basado en los valores de la educación católica.

The dress code is in effect from the ringing of the first-morning bell and the end of the class day. After school, students may choose to be out of the regular dress code, but they must remain neat, clean, modest, and in good taste. In all matters regarding dress code, final decisions rest with the Administration under the direction of the Headmaster.

Mass days and some special event days are designated as formal dress days.  Those days have a special dress code designed to show unity across the entire student body.

Order all dress code approved items through Villanova's Tommy Hilfiger account at:

Outerwear (jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts)

● Villanova logo sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, or coats are preferred outerwear.
● Non-Villanova outerwear may only include a small manufacturer's logo.  Outerwear may not have designs or graphics.
● All non-Villanova outerwear must be gray, white, black, or navy blue.
● Hats may not be worn indoors.
● College/University outerwear may be worn for those in 11th and 12th grade student.


● Los viernes y otros “días espirituales” designados están destinados a mostrar tu espíritu escolar Villanova.
● Si un estudiante usa la prenda oficial del logotipo de Villanova (Camisetas o Sudaderas) también puede usar pantalones de mezclilla o pantalones de calentamiento oficiales Villanova.
● Los jeans no pueden ser rasgados.
● La ropa espiritual debe ser visible (por ejemplo: si la ropa espiritual es en la camiseta, debe ser visible y no estar cubierta por ropa exterior que no sea Villanova).


● Se pueden usar camisetas deportivas oficiales Villanova, ropa espiritual emitida por el equipo o blusas de calentamiento en lugar de una camisa polo con pantalones de vestir regulares de día.
● Game Day Dress does not apply to Formal Days.

Mass days are formal dress days. For celebration of mass, students are to wear a white button-up shirt or blouse and khaki or navy pants. Girls may also wear the blue plaid Dennis Uniform skirt.

Wildcat Day, dances, and class retreats have particular dress codes that will be communicated at the appropriate time.



● El cabello debe estar bien arreglado, un color natural y un estilo apropiado.
● Boys must be clean-shaven.
● Boys are prohibited from wearing earrings, more than one chain, and extreme use of jewelry on campus and at school activities.
● Boys may not wear makeup or have exposed tattoos.


● Polo oficial Villanova o camisa abotonada.
● Shirts may be ordered through the Villanova website, purchased as part of an athletics spirit pack, or purchased through an approved Villanova spirit wear sale.
● All existing Villanova Preparatory School polo shirts are grandfathered into the dress code.  

Pantalones, Pantalones Capri, Bermudas y Faldas
● Debe ser una tela que sea de sarga de algodón, pana o estilo pantalón de vestir.
● Must be navy blue, black, tan, or gray. No stripes or other patterns.
● There must be belt loops and worn with a belt.
● Must be worn on the waist and shorts must be of an appropriate length.
● No denim or denim-looking material.
● No elastic waistband or jogger-style pants

● Closed heel, closed toe, no visible feet

No se permite la ropa, los estilos o la autoexpresión inapropiada que sean extremos (por ejemplo, pantalones cortos, faldas, pantalones, camisas/blusas ajustadas, de poca altura o material que sea de color claro).


● Corbata o corbata (opcional)
● White button-up shirt with Villanova logo on the left breast, worn and -tucked in.
● Navy blue tie or bow tie (optional).
● Solid color, clean shoes worn with socks.
● Outerwear (optional).

○ La chaqueta debe ser azul marino, blanco, negro o gris (logotipo mínimo solo en la parte delantera del pecho, sin logotipos en toda la parte delantera o cualquier logotipo en la parte posterior)
○ Jacket must be navy blue, white, black, or gray (minimal logo on the front breast only, no logos across the whole front or any logos on the back).
○ Non Villanova V-neck sweater, or sweater vest with no logos on the front or back. 
○ Must be navy blue.
○ No hooded sweatshirts.
○ No hats.



● El cabello debe ser de un color natural.
● Girls may wear moderate makeup, earrings, and jewelry.
● No other body jewelry as a result of piercing is permitted, and no exposed tattoos.


● Polo oficial Villanova o camisa abotonada.
● Shirts may not be cropped and must be long enough to prevent revealing the mid-section at any time.
● All existing Villanova Preparatory School polo shirts are grandfathered into the dress code.  

Pantalones, Pantalones Capri, Bermudas y faldas
● Solo tela que sea sarga de algodón, pana o estilo de vestir.
● Must be navy blue, black, tan, or gray.  No stripes or other patterns.
● The Dennis Uniform blue patterned skirt is the only acceptable patterned bottom.
● Must be worn at the waist and not be denim or denim-looking material or elastic/spandex material.
● No jogger-style pants.
● Skirts: must be pleated in style (no fitted, stretchy, or spandex material, and no shorter than 4 inches above the knee.)
● Shorts must be mid-thigh length or longer and not stretchy or spandex material 

● Talón cerrado, puntera cerrada.
● Socks may not go over the knee.
● Stockings must be solid black, white, or tan and not fishnet material.


● Pantalones largos azul marino o caqui que son de sarga de algodón, pana o estilo pantalón de vestir.
● Villanova uniform blue patterned skirt.
● White button up shirt with Villanova logo on the left breast.
● Shirt tucked in if not square cut.
● Navy tie, bow tie, or crossover tie (optional).
● Solid color, clean shoes.
● Heels must have an enclosed toe and heel and be no higher than 3”.
● Solid color black, white, or tan stockings without designs are permitted (no fishnet). 
● Outerwear (optional)

○ Excepción primer semestre: polo uniforme blanco o camisa polo blanca sólida.
○ Non Villanova V-neck sweater, or sweater vest with no logos on the front or back. 
○ Must be navy blue. 
○ No hooded sweatshirts.
○ No baseball style hats


All Students will be checked for dress code periodically throughout the day and if in violation of the dress code will be assigned a detention.  If a student is not dressed appropriately for school, they may be asked to return home to change. Any class time missed will be unexcused.