빌라노바 예비학교는 히포의 성 아우구스티누스 (354-430) 에 그 기원을 두고 있는 가톨릭 종교 단체의 일원으로서, 구성원들이 “한 마음과 마음으로 하나님을 향해 가는 길”인 공동체의 이상을 장려합니다.아우구스티누스주의적 교육 방식은 학습이 번창할 수 있는 공동체적 환경을 조성하고자 합니다.
Established in October 1924, Villanova has now successfully embraced this approach to education for more than 100 years. The 131-acres on which Villanova sits were purchased for approximately $20,000 USD in the early 1920's. The first buildings on site were Cantwell Hall (today, as it was originally, the boys dorm) and Austin Hall for classroom spaces.
In the early 1970's the school became co-educational, and by the early 1980's young women were admitted as resident students. The impressive McGrath Science Center was completed at the same time, today housing all science courses taught for high school students. In 1989 Villanova became the only high school in the United States to receive an endowed scholarship from Lady Clare Boothe Luce; today the investment continues to fund the Clare Boothe Luce Program for supporting young women in STEM.
In 1990 the Clarke Gym was built, with the new pool and aquatic center following in 1997. Most recently, the school has added an Art Center, two digital arts labs, and the Taylor Student Center for housing the school's Counseling Department.
빌라노바 예비 학교는 성 어거스틴의 삶과 저술에서 놀라운 유산을 발견합니다.5세기 주교, 철학자, 신학자인 그는 이해와 진리를 찾는 것이 보편적인 탐구이며, 궁극적으로 모든 진리와 지혜의 근원이신 하나님께로 인도하는 일이라고 열정적으로 믿었습니다.